Thursday, March 4, 2010


Well...yesterday Drew was breathing pretty fast (about 70 breaths every minute). He's done this a few times before, and I always struggle with whether I should take him to the doctor. He always seems pretty okay besides breathing fast. Yesterday I decided I should call and talk to the nurse about it, and she said she wasn't sure if we should go to the ER or the pediatrician's office--YIKES! I convinced her to let us come to the office. They gave him a breathing treatment, which freaked the girls out! Can you believe a nurse went to another part of the office with the girls to play where they couldn't hear Drew crying? Wow! He seemed better to me, but they did a chest x-ray. The doctor came back and said his x-ray looked bad and that he was being admitted. Period. Bummer. He has lower lobe pneumonia, and she's kinda confused about why he has it. We don't have family history of asthma, allergies, etc and he hasn't had a fever. We'll see a specialist at the children's hospital once we get this pneumonia taken care of.

He was dehydrated when we got to here to the hospital, probably because he puked the day before which I thought was just a stomach bug like Jenna had this week. Because of his dehydration, they've had a terrible time drawing blood and inserting an iv. He's been stuck 11 times. One time worked but it came out three hours later. Poor thing. This morning the doc said we'll do a shot for his antibiotics instead of the iv. Yea! He'll get the shot again tomorrow morning, and we may get to go home if he's doing well.

AJ worked some yesterday but was able to be flexible and come spend some time helping. His mom drove here as soon as I called, and she's staying with the girls. What a blessing to be only two hours from family!!! AJ stayed with Drew last night while I went home to get some rest (he's so good to me!) and went to work this morning. Drew's getting a good nap now and is in pretty good spirits except for the times when he's being stuck by needles. Thanks for praying. We're ready to go home but trusting that God's always taken care of our needs in the past and will continue to do that in this situation.

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